Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

View of part of the Garden with Raised Beds

Chives in the Garden

Outside View of part of the Garden

On Mother's Day, my two sons planted our garden. We usually put our garden in around Mother's Day in Ohio. They tilled in the rich, dark soil from the compost pile, weeded, and planted all of the plants and even put stakes in! My husband built the raised bed boxes out of recycled wood about three years ago. We got the wood for free! We had added wood chips to the walkways for the past two years. We haven't done it yet this year. We got the wood chips for free too! In the past, when we have heard them chopping up and chipping trees in our neighborhood, we have asked them if they would like to dump the load on our driveway. It saves them a trip to dump it and all we have to do is wheelbarrow it to the back yard......it usually takes a day! Hard work but well worth it! We also ask if the trees were healthy. My husband also built the little fence in front of the garden, complete with gate, to keep the doggies out!

For dinner on Mother's Day, the boys grilled out chicken with Italian dressing. We also had baked potatoes and a veggie. It was a cool, sunny, beautiful day that I will remember fondly!

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