Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is an old picture of Mo-Jo and Jazzy and I laugh every time I see it! Notice Mo'Jo's arm over his new buddy...."Mine"! And Jazzy's ears are up but leaning towards the center. We have had four shepherds now and we always called this "the bonnet stage". Mo-Jo is a little over a year and Jazzy is about three months old in this picture.

Very hot again today! I did take some pictures outside but I was a drippy mess by the time I came in! I have added a SEARCH THIS BLOG near the upper right hand corner of this blog to help find something fast!

I have also been working on a Facebook for myself and shop. It has been extremely frustrating trying to figure everything out but I am picking up tips here and there. I will continue to work on it here and there. There is a link to my Facebook down along the right hand side of this blog. And here are the links that I have:


troutbirder said...

How sweet! I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this picture. Reminded me of when I was so worried for month when my GSD puppies ears hadn't stood up yet.

Katofmanycolors said...

I think I have worried every time too but they have always managed to stand up on their own time!